Anne Sara Loe | Interference

Anne Sara Loe | Interference

digital print/wallpapers/mixed media – installation

Oct 8-31 2022

Anne Sara Loe shows a large ornament – sound waves structures – constructed by rhythmically pulsating reflections of digitally produced audio signals. We see them as curves on the screen. The visual expression, the waveforms that arise in the digital collage are experienced as very organic. As a supplement, in a spatial installation, she will add some elements of bodies and organisms manually processed.

For her, this is a comment to our vulnerability as living beings in a world in imbalance. How does noise pollution interfere with our lives, and further, – the complicated connections between air pollution, radiation, radioactive fallout, X-rays, ultraviolet rays, chemicals in air and water, plastic waste, global heating?


Etkar-André-Str. 29, 04157 Leipzig

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